Fellowship & Friendship

Fellowship & Friendship
God's Love Comes Straight To The Heart

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Throw Down With The Enemy

The eyes of the Lord are of the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers. 1st Peter 3:12 Back in the day when I was young AllStar wresling was popular. My older brothers concieved the idea to lay down some old mattresses and wrestle down. The matches were fierce and sometimes down right bloody. Does this sound familiar in your Christian walk? Isn't it a common practice to throw down with the enemy? Aren't we in a constant battle to fight the good fight? Deep in our soul, far beyond where the eye can see, down in the interior zone of our heart the battle goes on. Far beyond where our loved ones can reach or guide us we stand before God. Rejecting God in the heat of the battle and failure to get alone with Christ for life changing decisions means defeat every time. “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.”Mark 6:31 Spiritual principles must prevail or you can close your eyes and hear God wail. Surrendering our will over to God begins with little skirmishes. Win the small wars and you won't be faced with World War III. It is this daily searching of our soul that will win the war. It is then that we surrender our will over to the Savior. Failure to buckle our knees before God gives the enemy a foothold. Before we accepted Christ sin touched us daily. In fact we lived in darkness. But now Christian sin has moved away. We are more than conquors. It no longer lives in our neighborhood. We kicked it out. For if you live according to the sinful nature you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. Romans 8:13 As `I look back on my failures as a Christian it all centered on my desires. My lustful desires crumpled my Christian walk. But today you will find a different man when you come to my door. I desire Christ. I desire the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I desire a complete full blown union with Christ. David said it best," Search me, Oh God and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts." Psalm 139:23 Yes Lord, put me on the operating table under your microscope daily. I stepped in the ring With a mighty foe. And I called on Jesus To take every blow. Like a mighty warrior We fought the good fight. One hand held my bible In the other was His light. The enemy defeated As Christ prevailed. I closed my eyes And counted every nail. This blood, His blood Now covers the land. Come now Christian soldier Reach out and take His hand. Brad mcGill All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The joy of the Lord is definitely our strength.

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