Fellowship & Friendship

Fellowship & Friendship
God's Love Comes Straight To The Heart

Sunday, November 6, 2011

He's Coming Home

For this son of mine was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. Luke 15:24

After spending a week back home visiting my boys this summer I found myself at the airport with time on my hands. My mind flew to the Lord in a fiery prayer for my son. My nineteen year old son was coming home. Home to a Heavenly Father that loves him.

My son, my rebellious son, was learning that when we obey and give eveything over to God that is precious to us God will abundantly bless us. He is finding that the Heavens will pour out and abundantly bless him and multiply his requests by the thousands. He is finding that when we surrender all God gives us all.

Six months ago my son was living in his car during some of the coldest winter days Minnesota could throw at him. Unaware to me he was pursuing a life of drugs and heading no where fast.

Today he is dying to himself and surrendering his cherished hopes to Christ. He has read his bible from cover to cover. A month ago he called me in broken down tears well convinced that he had had a heart attack and that God allowed him to stand back up for a purpose and a plan for his life.

My son is learning that when we trust in a God we can not see that God see's and knows all and will make a way for us. Six weeks ago he called me as he was stranded in North Dakota. A friend had come to take him back to the cities. On the way up she had a flat and threw the spare on. On the way back they had another flat and they were stranded in a small town in North Dakota at 8:00 on a Saturday nite. When I asked him why he called me in New York he said " I knew you would not sleep until you found a way to help us." And sure enough God arranged the details for help as he was only 30 miles from family.

So my son, my precious son, I state to you that all of your struggles this past year have been planned by a loving God to teach you to trust, call you home and promise you a better life. Each small step you dare take, inspite of all the calamity that surrounds you, will become a strong foundation when you come to Christ with a confidence that can not be shaken.


We look to You with confidence
Because we choose no other way.
We tried to live life apart from You
And all we found were hard days.

Silently we surrounder.
And live by Your commands.
Take us now sweet father
And lead us by your hand.

Brad McGill
All Rights Reserved

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