Fellowship & Friendship

Fellowship & Friendship
God's Love Comes Straight To The Heart

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Eyes Wide Open

Romans 5:3-4 And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that the tribulations brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven charachter, hope.

I was driving back from a ten day training session in Albany, NY. when I recieved a call from a friend saying she was in the hospital. I was so upset that I had to pull to the side of the road as I couldn't see through my tears. This pour child has had no less than two operations in the last few years and they are worked related injuries. She has had to battle workman's comp, suffer the loss of her job, lost her insurance because work comp stopped paying her and she couldn't afford the cobra costs.She is subject to physical therapy a couple of times a week and has been poked and prodded like an animal. She is fighting to save her house, her car and any sanity she may well have left.

This last winter she was near death with a viral infection and now a hospital stay that will run into the thousands without insurance. And let us not forget she has sleep apnea from a deviated septum and another operation is in order. Her resolve and continued faithfulness to the Lord amazes me every time I look at her.

Somehow my friend has walked gracefully through this suffering and carried her head held high with a contageous smile that lights up any room she enters. I applaud her for maintaining her sense of humor as the tough times continue to reign down on her.

As I pulled back on the freeway I was reminded of a book that I read when I was just becoming a Christian. The book was called, " At Least We Were Married." It is about a young couple that met at a Christian conference, got married soon after and as they were driving to their honeymoon destinaton they got in a car accident and his new bride died. Yet, this amazing man, as he laid in his hospital bed used his suffering as a platform to lead his nurse to Christ.

Suffering allows us to draw closer to Christ as it rivets us to His heart. In our own suffering we see just a glispe of Christ reflection in the mirror. Any sorrow, grief or pain you may experience are fleeting moments in the span of eternity. The mountains you may have to climb on earth peril at the glorious mountains we will have the pleasure to hike in heaven.

God does not allow suffering to break us but to build our character to equip us with the tools to fulfill His plan for our lives. It is very well then the prelude to our ministry. Of utmost importance is our reaction to such suffering. If we allow it to be a catalyst to the very bowls of our spirtual awakening then God is pleased. If we go kicking and screaming into the night with complaining, bitterness and dispair then Satan has dug in his grip and will break out his biggest tool bar to pry you away.

David himself declared, "The suffering You sent was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your principes." Psalm 119:71. Hence he was tuned to Christ, listening for how Christ would use his circumstances to touch others.

Suffering opens a window of opportunity to share our story and declare God's glory. The multiple hurdles in my friend's life may well be God saying, " Look around. Walk with your eyes wide open." Live beyond your circumstances so you can love beyond expectation. Declare the power and the grace of God to the nurse, the doctor, the receptionist at therapy.

One of my favorite verses is Daniel 12:3, Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of Heavens, and those who lead others to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. Shine on my dear friend, shine on.

Keep your eyes wide open

When the tough times come.

Don't shrink back and don't you run.

There may be someone God wants you to know.

To plant a seed then help it grow.

Shine on in brightness like the brightest star.

So God can show you just who they are.

Just place your suffering in the hands of Christ.

The maker of this world and the ruler of life.

Let your light so shine for all the world to see

That Christ does live through you and me.

Brad McGill

All Rights Reserved

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