Fellowship & Friendship

Fellowship & Friendship
God's Love Comes Straight To The Heart

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How Loud Is Your Cry?

Grow in grace and knowledeg of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Is there anything more beautiful than a pregnant woman? In my opinion they walk with the grace of a deer. I, myslef, have never had the good fortune of being a part of this great miracle. But what excitement it must be to hover over momma's tummy and watch it grow. It must be like a swelling current of joy as the anticipation mounts up to a beautiful crecendo.

As Christians we are called to grow in grace. Every day our disappointments should be less and our patience more. Our love should show the world that we are filled with Christ and not of ourselves. The lost need to see us as irresitable, refreshing to be with. The songs that we sing should be filled with encouragement and hope.

Do you know anybody like that? Do they wear His crown with grace? Do they seem to have a certain elogence to their walk?

We are also called to grow in knowledge. I dare say this does not mean being able to recite the word. Rather, it means knowing Christ intimately so we can model His thoughts, glean His actions. This strong hunger comes with a compelling force to be near Him.

It shows a love so deep that your want and your need is Christ alone. The Holy Spirit wants to preside in you. And God wants to see this in you. This holy hunger is God's anxious desire to have us communicate with Him. Stop at once and recieve all of the precious moments He wants to share with you. This is how God dwells in our spirit.

As a child I was called the shadow because I was always at my fathers side. How loud is your cry? How desperate is your voice? Seek Him now and seek Him often.

Seek Him now.
Do it today.
Set aside all
That is taking you away.

You are His child.
Lost and now found.
Pick up your cross
And seek His crown.
Brad McGill
All Rights Reserved

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