Fellowship & Friendship

Fellowship & Friendship
God's Love Comes Straight To The Heart

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hope My Child Hope

· Genesis 28:15 Behold I am with you and will watch over you where ever you go. This last week with the rains falling down I was reminded of a favorite time in my life out in New York. My friends had an electric awning over their deck. I loved to sit out there and listen to the tap, tap, tap of the rain falling gently on the metal covering. It reminded me that in the midst of our storms our Father taps our heart to come in and reside. As I gained comfort of the melodic beat of the rain dancing on the awning I also found comfort from our Father pressing in to carry me to hope eternal. So come with me on a journey. Close your eyes and imagine your Father sitting at your side in silent stillness. Imagine Him gently touching your heart with His soothing hand.Can you hear Him whisper to you that He concoured the grave and that He can surely handle your troubles today? Look into His eyes as He looks into yours with an assurance that can not be doubted or forgotten. This assurance, this blessed assurance reminds me that the battle is over and that we already have the victory. Every once in awhile we must remind ourselves to linger like this. The longer you linger the more He can siphon off your troubles of the day. We must close the door to our troubles, walk away from our worries and turn off the lights to let satan know he is not welcome to reside and that only Christ is welcome to sit on the throne today. That inner ache that you feel can now be handed over until you dimly sense it. Concentrate on Christ washing you. Let Him reach every corner of your anxious heart to make it fresh, alive, radient and filled with hope. There is a new journey your feet will travel.There is a new path He wants you on. He is the great path finder.There is a new song He wants you to sing. Before you were one step away from defeat, one breath from giving up. Let it not be today. Desolation is no longer a word that is in your vocabulary. Hope my child hope. Father, I lift my voice to You And rest in perfect peace, That all the love You have for me Has already been released. I climb now on Your lap And gaze into Your eyes. Silently I wait For You to bring Your great surprise. Lead me now my Father To where my feet should go. And when satan comes to steal my peace Let my answer be simply " NO". Brad McGill All Rights Reserved

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