Fellowship & Friendship

Fellowship & Friendship
God's Love Comes Straight To The Heart

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Beautiful Disaster

Let us approach the thrown of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Last night I was in a store when a friend text me to ask if I would pray for her. She was right in the middle of a counciling session with a woman that had been sexually abused. I walked into the corner of the store and prayed for the session.

I was at the store to buy a book for my son who is battling his own disasters. I found a  devotion for my son called," Heaven Changes Everything." My son battles addictions. Last month he put his car in the ditch at eighty miles an hour  after a night of binge drinking.Yet he walked away with only a mere scratch.

As I rolled on home God began to speak to me about the two people that were on my mind. My friend that was counsiling had her own tragedies growing up. Terrible things happened to her and yet you should see her now. Every breath she takes is drawn with a purpose to turn her disaster into something beautiful. The cross of Christ has stretched her pain so thin that her past has become her power. Her scars of abuse are becoming shinning stars that God is using to reach others.

The friend she is counciling is beginning her own journey. Only God can take something so horrendous and turn this travestry into a tapestry. She needs to know that God can, He does and He will turn her rain into rainbows. She needs to begin the journey. Every thought of her disaster needs to be broken down and thrown out like a pile of garbage set to the curb. Just like my friend she needs to give it up and give it over so God can reach in and change her heart.

God can not change a disaster into something beautiful without forgiveness. When we forgive we come one step closer to Christ and walk the very trails that Jesus had to endure before He  hung on the cross and spoke " Father forgive them for they know not what they have done."

Next we must all learn to accept grace. Grace is the voice God uses to whisper to us. It is a voice that says " I love you forever and always no matter what you have done. Grace is the strength we draw on to walk thru our valleys and run in the darkness. God's grace is who we become after our disasters. As the foolish choices we have made in our life bring us to sin. God's love buys our soul for eternity. Even when we are in the clutches of our very disaster God see's us as a masterpiece. We are His prized possession being broken down in the fires of life so He can come storming in. Let Him take over and turn your disaster into something beautiful. Let Him take over. What ever your trauma and what ever your drama you must push past it to walk this road called beautiful.

My Father only You understand
What tragedy is needed
To break down this man.

Broken and poured out
You hung on the cross
So I can be beautiful
And count it but loss.
Brad McGill

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